Jakarta, ID

Wijaya Road 1 No. 9 E&F, Petogogan, Jakarta 12170, ID

Comika Company

Comika is a company that puts care for both comedians and the audiences. We aspire for a future where comedians can make a living from their own comedy grind, and to support comedian’s development while lifting them to freely express themselves. Also, encourages them to rub elbows in the entertainment industry.

Building the comedy industry through facilities and services for comedy performers and audiences. We care about comics and care about their audiences. We dream of a future where comics can make a living from their comedies.

Comedy is a Primary Need.

If you enjoy comedy as well as buying new clothes or gobbling down three meals a day, Comika should be within your reach. Newest YouTube videos, comedy news, and stand-up comedy events that you can access from online to live streaming, regularly available (almost) every day!

Comika cares about you, the one whose primary needs are Sandang, Pangan, Papan, and Lawakan (foods, clothes, houses, and comedy).

People who Vibe with Comika


Home for the Idea of Comics Living Off Their Comedy Works

Stands Still Between Jakarta’s Traffic, Proudly be the Collaborative Site

More than just a workplace, this one is built for all comics.

Markas Comika started from the idea that Comika’s employees needed a place to work together. All kinds of individuals for Comika’s operations, from the back-office workers, sales officers, production staff, and the director, need shelter to keep their productivity.

Hence, Markas Comika was born with co-working space as the initial concept. There’s no cubicle or private room like a typical office. Sooner or later, with more involvement from many comedians, Markas Comika became a place for comedians to hang around, where new ideas were born and executed. Finally, Markas Comika no longer belongs to only Comika, Markas Comika is indeed Markas Komika (Headquarters of Comedians).

Three Storey of Markas Comika

1st Floor Feels Like the Porch

On the first floor of Markas Comika, there’s a room available for comedians doing their collaborative works. Basically, this room acts as a lobby or porch, where all of the elements join forces to become one: comedians, Markas Comika’s residents, and fans of comedy.

2nd Floor Full of Laugh

Taking place on the second floor of Markas Comika, there’s the Comika Comedy Club. A comfortable venue to watch a stand-up comedy show with a hundred people capacities.

3rd Floor not Only For the Worker

This floor is the co-working space for Markas Comika’s residents to get on with their daily tasks. More than working on their laptop with hundreds of files, ideas, and insights come to life, this floor also comes with a separate meeting room and smoking area.
