We highly respect the confidentiality of your data on the Comika Event platform in accordance with Account Deletion Policy for Google Play’s Data safety section

We open some options that you can use to delete your data on our platform. You can do it through the form below, contact customer service, or do it yourself through your account settings on the Comika Event app.

Pertama-tama, masuk ke dalam Comika Event App, pastikan Anda sudah login ke akun yang dimiliki.

Masuk ke menu Profil, tombolnya terletak di bagian kanan bawah layar. Kemudian klik menu “Akun”.

Klik tombol “Hapus Akun” yang terletak di bagian paling bawah.

Note : Tindakan ini akan menghapus data Anda di Comika Event App.

Konfirmasi tindakan penghapusan akun dengan klik tombol “HAPUS”.

Data Anda sudah terhapus dan otomatis akan log out dari akun.



Due to Google Playstore policy, you must fill in the data below to request account deletion.